409 Roper and Charleston

The 409 South Adams home of Charlotte Roper is now Lucille Memorial Chapel funeral home.

The 409 South Adams home of Charlotte Roper is now Lucille Memorial Chapel funeral home. 2013.

Charlotte Roper was born in Maryland around 1835. The mother of thirteen children, only four of which were living in 1900, she married Joseph Roper, born around 1801 in Virginia, in Canada before 1861. In the 1860s and 70s they were living in Dresden, Ontario. By 1881 they are in Chatham Town. Joseph died in the early 1880s.

It is probable that Joseph Roper was the brother to Henry Roper, the father of Chester Roper and Mary J. (Roper) Hamilton, both of Adams Street. Charlotte’s daughter, Amanda, married Al De Hazen, many years her senior, in 1897 and lived at 111 South Adams in 1900.

Charlotte moved to Ypsilanti in the early 1890s. In 1891, she is living in the home of the Hamilton’s at 117 South Adams. Living with her in 1900 is her daughter Lizzie, born in Canada in 1875 and a domestic worker, and her grandson Austin, born in 1899. Charlotte died in July, 1916 after moving to Ann Arbor. One of three adults listed as illiterate, Charlotte is buried in Fairview Cemetery.

Charlotte's daughter Amanda was a young musician. Plaindealer. March, 1891.

Charlotte’s daughter Amanda Roper. Plaindealer. March, 1891.

Living with the Ropers was Margaret Charleston. Margaret was the widow of Louis Charleston, who died in 1896 at the age of around 80. She was born in Ohio in 1835. They were living in Ypsilanti by 1880, and probably on South Adams by then as well.

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